Brand message aligns
with today’s market challenges
Most of today’s organizations continuously face the challenge of creating a more productive work environment. Technology advancements, an increasing reliance on internet-enabled communication, the overwhelming amount of information-flow, complicated network of software and servers, and a never-ending threat to data security have all added operational complexity. Proven IT is a one-source solution for improving productivity-related dependencies and avoiding technology complexities.
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Proven IT was growing and needed a company repositioning to align with the needs of the 14 vertical markets they serve. The brand voice and brand messaging had to resonate with their myriad of buying influencers and the brand positioning had serve as the cornerstone of all communications.
JMG transitioned the Proven IT logo and created a high-level brand positioning strategy, “Transforming Your Workforce Productivity,” which was integrated across multichannel communications. That’s marketing inside out.